Friday 2 March 2012

(re-) Shooting Day 1

Finally we started today to film our newnewnew opening and we had at the beginning really good weather, every Actor was present and the trafic on the street was ok. So Charlotte and me agreed that she is going to get the 2 actors we need for that scene and I'm gonna ge my mum and my sister to film and to drive the car for the tracking shot. I prepared make up for the zombies, Clothes and some other stuff which could be necessary for the opening. Well, it started really good and we all did a really good job ... til the weather changed and one of our Actors told us that he needs to go because he had an appointment so we hurried up and after we hardly finnished our shots and everyone went I realised that I forgot some tiny bits of film material which we cant reshoot AGAIN so we decided that we just dont include some parts of the film.

So before we did all the shots me and Charlotte planned in detail (yes, we learned our lesson) all that what we need to do the script the Text and what kind of comedy we are going to use ... fortunatly it worked and without all the organisation we probably could'nt even do the first scene today!

I'm gonna send Charlotte later on some footage which she can prepare and edit while I'm doing the effects base part so we are hopefully finnished til next Friday and have a poster a Logo a trailer and this stuff :D Tomorrow we are going to film the first really part where zombies are appearing and the film really starts.... so be excited for the finnsihed film !

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