So before you ask some things I need to tell you :
- In the toilet scene this noise sound in the background is FROM the toilet not from us or so !
- there might be some sense gaps because its just insanly hard to organise EVERYTHING in 3 days with people who just have limited time so dont expect a blockbuster.
- As you might heared out the sound was re-recorded because we thought it makes it better ... but thats wrong next time I use the audio in the footage.
here again click on HD in the bottom box below to watch it in HD with better quali
Thanks for getting this published in time... I can see how it took you so much time. This will probably end up somewhere in the middle of level four (reckon about 53/60). On the plus side, you've got some excellent film-making evident in terms of shots and editing, as well as special effects work, all of which (in themselves) are top notch. What pulls it down is the sound, as you've recognised, and some of the continuity (for example, the lighting when you get into the shop). Once I take a longer look, I might be able to put it slightly higher. Very good outcome, considering the problems you had making it.