Saturday, 26 November 2011

Catch me if you can Film

here is a film which I made with my friends in germany like 6 months ago. Of course its technicly horrible because we had no experience and knowledge so dont look at the camera angles and action match and all that stuff. Its an interactive video so at the end of all the individual clips you can decide how the film is going on.

Thursday, 24 November 2011

Directors comment, Storyboard, evaluation and fun :)

hello media community !
After I finnished my film "deception" I took a longer break to get new Ideas and shots for my next hopefully good film. But I prepared just for you a directors comment with comments from the director ! (me) 
I made the recording with a program o my computer... no idea how it works but I made it to film the clip WITH my voice !!! Nevertheless I hope you enjoy it and understand hopefully my Visions and Ideas.

ok, as you can see in the picture of the storyboard I planned everything tricky where I thought " ouu I must do some plannings for it to realise this special shots." And this special shots were the ground level shot of my foot ( on the side you can read how long each shot should be. Then the door open shot where the key-point was to look at the Action match , the low shot of the Dealer who is going to try to kill me ( verrrrry bad drawing I know  ^.^ ). And at last but not least the horrible tracking shot, where I at first planned to make the titel in 3-D like in this picture but I thought it is just tooo much for a short film like this. i'll save all my hard core special effects for .... THE FINAL PROJECT !

Lets have a talk about the EVALUATION:
As I planned everything I actually did not think to much about all that stuff but more on shots, edit, action match and the task. Just a little bit on representation.

So, first I would like to talk about the group/audience which would get my media product. Obviously the most popular genre on the market is currently the action, horror, comedy and drama genre. So with my product I try to get of couse as many people as possible and so I decided to make an action film with some comedy elements in it and some horr(ible) handheld shots. I concentrated me almost on the entertainment part and confusment because I like this as well so other people should like this also. I do not want that people just see the same all the the time I wanted to make the film not unrealistic but I wanted to "cheat" the realism e.g. the part where my phone explodes in my pocket. A normal man would die on ball destruction but in the film Rogger just felt on the ground and immidiatly stands up again. This is cheating of realism and I think the audience would except this realism mistake because it's pupose is it to be funny. So to sumarise it my film is more for the older age-group which gets the jokes and there are some violent parts which are not for children eyes :)

The way in which I attract my audience would be to make enough advertisment and like find people who make the same genre style like me and I would offer them to stick together and make advertisment for each other so that we get in total more viewers of our product then if we would do this by our own. If I would make a really really big film with a budget of for example 2000 pounds I would do more than just stick together with other film-makers. I would make advertisment on youtube and other sites where people would go. I would distribute papers from my movie in cities or certain areas where I know that people are interested in my movie. Furthermore I would tell my friends to tell other people to share my film. There are many opportunities to make advertisment for a media product but HOW you advertis is I thing the key-thing.

Wednesday, 16 November 2011

Deception -- Full Movie

The time has come ... Decpetion is out and its time for my describtion :)

This Project taught me a lot .... Experinece,  Knowledge,  technique   and   of  course new skills. 
As I started the project " continuity " I was hyper-motivated because soo  many Ideas were in my head. ( see : Amir's super mega fun Blog: Film nearly finnished ....: )  Well, I expected a lot particulary about editing and camera work. But to my surprise the mise-on-scene and Sound went better then I thought. The whole Film was a challenge because of the time-organisation and actor arrangement and the equipment list I needed for the Film and all that stuff. But fortunatly everything went good for me maybe because I worked this time alone. I mean If you are the writer, editor, actor and producer then you have 1000 % control about anyone and everything in your Film. The last Film experience with " the prisoner " was AWESOME as well but this time it was another ... hmm another genre I say. It was like everything is in your hands. The responsebility ... everything. It's not like you do that I do that she does that ... NO NO it is like you do everything and this was the main challenge but with I had time to organise everything and I made some researche about my Film looked on some tutorials in the web  ( for example) and so I was ready for all that.

This was just my first Impression about my Film. I will later do the Evaluation and I will do a Directors Commentary.

Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Film nearly finnished ....

DECEPTION is nearly finnished ! I took in the weekend 2 days to edit the footages. On Friday I cut the footage and made the intro for the movie with bonjou ( another editing programm). However, it was maaaad because I tried to make the framing p e r f e c t. Unfortunatly cutting is not my thing and I needed the whole day for just the cutting and at the end It was nearly 10 pm. But I wanted to finnish the intro as well so I worked til 2 am. But it benefited. After 4 hours work on the Intro I had 5 sec of intro ...

After I finnished working day 1 I started at the next day with theee special effects, Color correction, Sound and some other things. I noticed that I filmed on the wrong side I should film so I broke the continuity. I was totally frustrated and cried some hours but then I found a way to SOLVE THE PROOOBLEM !!!! I just flipped the footage and automaticly the 180 degree rule was right again. Furthermore I had some problems with the quality because on a strange way the qualy was in some clips better then in other ones. But here I really did not know how to solve the probleme, so I just leave it so as it was. Maybe because I unfortunatly forget to change the resolution of the cam or so. Anyway I searched about 40 min in my " epic-beautiful-music library for the RIGHT music I need for the clip. Like I described in the last postings I got some nice soundtracks, themes and intro music from my friend.

So after 40 min I found the perfect music which actually really fits to the Film and of course I took it. Well, next step... Speial effects. I have got a plug-in for after effects called "action essentials" where are about 200 special effects like explosions, bolts, Muzzle flashes and such action things.

Well, I just now need to add the voices of Rogger and Mr. Y to finnish the Film. Reece took some time and we recoreded his voice so I can add it to the Film. He has made a good job either as a actor and a voice-giver or so. Thanks really much to Charlotte for her time and help with filming and support. And of course to Katie as a camerawoman and for borrowing me the stedi cam and to Barry for his presence :)

Friday, 11 November 2011

Problems while filming ! ( Film day 2 )

First a BIG THANKS to Barry, Katie and Reece that they helped me out today with filming for my second part.
Yesterday I filmed the stuff outside and today I filmed it inside the house. I hope that I did not make a mistake in the Action match because I filmed 2 days ... So for the filming day today I actually needed a knife or something in this way but it was not allowed so we took a metal pole which replaced the knife and we started to film. I had some "visions" of some shots but some of them were unfortunately reallly reallly hard to make --->
Accidentally I pressed the rec button and as you can see we had few probs with camera shots :D

But after a fight with a table and some chairs we got it.

A really big problem for me was the grammer in my sentences I made as well because it is just strange if you say something in your movie and the text is gramaticly incorrect. But Reece improved them for me and then was the TIME a biig factor which made my life harder because 1 hour went faster as you thing and so I could not make my REAL visions come true . But the result was amazing for just 40 min !!!  I thing I'm until tomorrow finnish with the whole movie because editing is my favourite part in film making and my friend in germany bought some film soundtracks and sent me some of them for my  movie ( a link to the product --> )

Thursday, 10 November 2011


As you can read in the Titel the name of my project film will be " Deception ". Later I will describe how I came on this Name... and it has nothing to do with the Film "Inception" !
Charlotte, Sean and me have decided that we make the next project individual and so we can show our own skills we learned until now. Well, after Mr. Earl gave us the continuity task I started at home with the storyboard, script and mise-en-scene. The continuity task says that we need to include:
- 180° RULE
After he showed us some clips how to do all of these shots and told us how we can use them I started with ... scripting ! My Film is going to be a mix of the Action genre and comedy. Comaction or so. However, I took Rush hour
as a role model for my film and I would say its like 20 % comeddy and 80% action, Thriller.
For me the most most important thing is the detail and effect of the pictures the audience see... I dont want to show them some random stuff I filmed I want to entertain and confuse them at the same time. It's going to be hard but i thing I#m prepared with the stuff mr. Earl and miss Patterson teach us.

Now i will tell you some parts of my film. The Intro should start with an earth level shot so that the cam is on the height of gras. Should look like this -->
If its sunny I will add some awesome optical flares (lens flares)
So after few seconds a HUGEE Shoe will apear ( my shoe ) and the camera spins up to my body and then the movie begins.

Because I walk a lot with the camera I thought and searched a g e s how to avoid this **** shaking with the camera and I finally found this :  Its a website which tell you the holy 6 secrets about " reducing camera shakes"  !!!!
Its really good and if I could I would buy a kit ( like Katie) but the time is against me and so I must do it with the tips from the website. Anyway, My Film will be about Rogger who made a deal with Mr. Y and now he wants his money and the both made a meeting point where Mr. Y gives Rogger his money ... I try to make this confusing effect where I dont tell the audience whats going on and who is Rogger actually and why does he get money ? But at the end everything gets clear and the audience will be (hopefully) suprised :)